It started as a prize of two hissing roaches for my daughter at a bug show. Now two and half years later I have seven species
of tropical roaches, four of which are established breeding colonies. I currently have several hundred roaches. While the
keeping of cockroaches is certainly not common among pet lovers it is a growing hobby with a dedicated following. The keeping,
rearing and breeding of exotic pets has exploded over the last decade and many apartment and city dwellers have gravitated
to the relatively easy to keep, and space efficient, world of exotic bugs and insects.
Currently I have the most commonly kept starter roach, the Madagascar Hissing roach (Gromphadorhina portentosa), as well
as the Orange-head roach (Eublaberus prosticus), the Fake Death's Head roach (Blaberus discoidales), the Giant Cave roach
(Blaberus giganteus), the Peppered roach (Archimandrita tesselata), and the True Death's Head roach (Blaberus craniifer).
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